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Ian Paton,BSc CEng MRINA
Managing Director

Ian is a naval architect and has been practising since graduating in 1983. In 1994 he became a director of S C McAllister and Co Ltd, naval architects, marine consultants and surveyors, with a bases in Campbeltown and York. The company has a wide knowledge in the marine industry and specialises in commercial workboats and fishing boats. Ian currently, has nine commercial fishing vessels at various stages of build throughout the UK and Ireland to his design, from 12 metres to 22 metres. Previous commissions have included: 34 metre live salmon carrier, prawn trawlers for Guyana, workboat for Jordan, ferry for the Channel Islands, crab fishing vessel for South Africa and surveys as far flung as Greenland. As a marine consultant, he works closely with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency on statutory stability information for new and existing craft. Currently on the technical advisory group to the Scottish Government on ways to save fuel in fishing vessels.

Ian enjoys sailing when he gets a chance.

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